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SAP HANA Marketplace: vernetzt online handeln

12. August 2014 | Feature | von Svenja Ullrich und Vasco Alexander Schmidt

SAP HANA Marketplace: vernetzt online handeln

Der Online-Marktplatz bringt Verkäufer und Käufer von SAP-HANA-Apps zusammen. Entwickler, Startups, Softwareanbieter und viele andere profitieren von dem neuen Kanal.

Durch die Vorstellung neuer Cloud-Produkte auf der SAPPHIRE NOW hat auch der SAP HANA Marketplace viel Aufmerksamkeit erregt. So wird die neue SAP HANA Cloud Platform Starter Edition exklusiv auf dem Marktplatz angeboten. „Der HANA Marketplace gibt SAP und ihren Partnern die Chance, ihr Cloud-Geschäft enorm auszubauen“, erklärt Bill Rojas, verantwortlich für SAP HANA Marketplace.

Der als Online-Handelsplatz konzipierte SAP HANA Marketplace bringt Käufer und Verkäufer von SAP-HANA-Apps zusammen. Die Kunden können dort Apps von SAP und SAP-Partnern auf der SAP-HANA-Cloud-Plattform testen und kaufen. Auch Apps von innovativen Big-Data-Startups werden angeboten, darunter viele aus dem „SAP-Startup-Focus“-Programm. Der Marktplatz richtet sich dabei gleichermaßen an selbstständige Entwickler, Startup-Firmen, unabhängige Softwareanbieter und Großunternehmen. Kunden finden dort eine breite Palette an Lösungen, die auf die Anforderungen ihrer Branche und einzelner Geschäftsbereiche zugeschnitten sind. Das Spektrum reicht von Apps der nächsten Generation für Marketing und Logistikkette bis hin zu innovativen Analytik-Apps.

„Für SAP-Partner ist dies eine echte Zukunftsperspektive, denn wir stellen ihnen eine Entwicklungsplattform und ein Vermarktungsmittel zur Verfügung, die eng miteinander verknüpft sind“, erläutert Rajiv Nema, Marketing-Direktor für den SAP HANA Marketplace. „Der SAP HANA Marketplace ist ein Vertriebskanal, über den Partner ihre Produkte auf einfache und rentable Weise mit nur geringem oder ganz ohne direkten Kundenkontakt vermarkten können.“

Positive Resonanz für den SAP HANA Marketplace

Die Partnerunternehmen scheinen mehr als zufrieden mit dem neuen Kanal. „Wir sind stolz, im SAP HANA Marketplace vertreten zu sein, wo die Kunden unser Produkt jetzt leichter finden, ausprobieren und kaufen können. Das gilt für Cloud und On-Premise, für traditionelle SAP-Käufer und Neukunden“, berichtet Dan Somers, Vorstandsvorsitzender von Warwick Analytics. „Es ist wunderbar, dass eine bahnbrechende Geschäftsbereichsanwendung wie SigmaGuardian dort präsentiert wird. Das beweist, dass dem SAP Marketplace daran gelegen ist, Geschäftsanwender und Manager in der Branche wie auch in der IT zu unterstützen.“

“Der SAP HANA Marketplace ist eine Art Schaufenster und der SAP Store hingegen das komplette Kaufhaus. Dort werden alle Transaktions- und Zahlungsprozesse geregelt. Deshalb müssen Produkte sowohl im SAP HANA Marketplace als auch im SAP Store vorhanden sein. Im Laufe dieses Jahres werden wir den kompletten SAP Store zu Hybris migrieren und somit eine neue digitale Verkaufsplattform schaffen”, sagt Per Matthew Timms, Global Head of eCommerce, Platform Ecosystem und eChannels.

Langfristig soll der SAP HANA Marketplace die Standardplattform für die Vermarktung von Anwendungen auf SAP HANA werden. Damit die Vermarktung eines Produkts in einem solchen e-Commerce-Kanal funktioniert, müssen drei Voraussetzungen erfüllt sein: cleveres Engineering, attraktive Preisgestaltung und klarer geschäftlicher Nutzen. Auch müssen die online angebotenen Produkte anders aussehen als in der On-Premise-Welt. Nutzungsbasierte Preismodelle, kostenlose Testversionen und Einsteigerpakete gehören zu den wichtigsten Dingen, wenn man in der Cloud erfolgreich sein will.


via SAP HANA Marketplace: vernetzt online handeln.

Cloud-Prognose angehoben: SAP-Aktie zieht trotz Gewinnrückgang an 17.07.2014 | Nachricht |

SAP-Aktie zieht trotz Gewinnrückgang an

Kosten für einen langwierigen Rechtsstreit haben Europas größtem Softwarehersteller SAP im zweiten Quartal belastet. Die Aktie steigt kräftig.

Ein langwieriger Patentstreit kommt SAP teuer zu stehen: Da Europas größter Softwarehersteller vor Gericht in der Auseinandersetzung mit dem US-Unternehmen Versata wohl den Kürzeren ziehen wird, legt SAP vorsichtshalber schon einmal rund 289 Millionen Euro zurück. Der Nettogewinn lag deshalb im zweiten Quartal nach Minderheitsanteilen mit 557 Millionen Euro knapp ein Viertel niedriger als vor einem Jahr, wie der DAX-Konzern am Donnerstag mitteilte. An der Börse sorgte das dennoch nicht für Kopfzerbrechen. Frei nach dem Motto „keine schlechten Nachrichten sind gute Nachrichten“ haben SAP-Aktien am Donnerstag positiv auf die vorgelegten Quartalszahlen reagiert. Zu Handelsschluss gewannen die Papiere von Deutschlands größtem Softwarehersteller 2,36 Prozent auf 59,37 Euro. Sie waren damit Spitzenreiter im DAX, der mit einem Minus von mehr als einem Prozent endete.

Abgesehen von dem Patentstreit liefen die Geschäfte der Walldorfer in den drei Monaten bis Juni aber auch weitgehend wie von Experten erwartet. Wechselkurseffekte fielen nicht mehr so stark ins Gewicht wie zuletzt. Der Umsatz wuchs um zwei Prozent auf 4,15 Milliarden Euro, das bereinigte Betriebsergebnis um vier Prozent auf 1,24 Milliarden Euro. Der Produktumsatz mit Software und Services (SSRS) legte währungsbereinigt mit acht Prozent am oberen Ende der fürs Jahr anvisierten Spanne zu. Händler am Markt waren zufrieden mit den Zahlen.


Im erklärten künftigen Hauptstandbein, dem Geschäft mit Mietsoftware aus dem Internet, wuchsen die Erlöse weiter kräftig. Die sogenannte Cloud-Sparte wuchs um Sondereffekte bereinigt um fast ein Drittel auf 242 Millionen Euro Umsatz. Damit gewann das Unternehmen auf dieser Seite mehr hinzu als es im klassischen Lizenzgeschäft mit fest installierter Software einbüßte. Mittelfristig erhofft sich SAP mit der Mietsoftware höhere Gewinne, weil die Programme jedes Jahr neu in Rechnung gestellt werden können.

Vor allem wegen des abgeschlossenen Zukaufs Fieldglass peilt SAP mit dem noch jungen Erlösmodell nun mehr Umsatz im Jahr an, die Prognosebandbreite hob das Management um Bill McDermott um 50 Millionen Euro. Die neue Spanne liegt nun bei 1,00 bis 1,05 Milliarden Euro. Analysten hatten mehrheitlich mit einem solchen Schritt gerechnet. Die abgeschlossenen Verträge wuchsen weiter stark – sie schlagen sich durch die Ratenzahlungen aber erst nach und nach im Umsatz wider.


Allerdings muss sich SAP im Cloud-Geschäft immer mehr gegen die Konkurrenz behaupten. Der US-Rivale Oracle will etwa den Anbieter von Gastronomie-Software Micros für mehrere Milliarden Dollar kaufen, der seine Dienstleistungen auch in der Cloud anbietet. Der Vertriebsspezialist Salesforce greift ebenfalls in Europa an und will SAP mit seinen Onlineangeboten das Leben schwer machen. SAP will daher schnell möglichst viele Kunden an sich binden.

Auch beim anderen Hoffnungsträger, der schnellen Datenbank Hana, formiert sich Widerstand. Oracle und Microsoft stehen mit eigenen sogenannten „in-memory“-Angeboten in den Startlöchern.


Mit der Rückstellung für das Versata-Patentverfahren holt SAP ein mittlerweile sieben Jahre währender Streit ein, der bereits über mehrere Instanzen lief. Die US-Firma wirft dem deutschen Softwarespezialisten vor, ein Patent zur Ermittlung von Preisen verletzt zu haben. Obwohl das Patent mittlerweile gelöscht worden sei, sehe es nach jüngsten Entwicklungen vor Gericht ganz danach aus, dass SAP an Versata zahlen müsse, hieß es.

Zulegen konnte SAP vor allem in der Region Europa, und hier vor allem außerhalb Deutschlands. Schwierig entwickelte sich das Geschäft in Amerika abseits der USA. In Japan schwächelte der Konzern erneut, dafür gab es im übrigen asiatisch-pazifischen Raum deutliche Zuwächse.


Für Analyst Thomas Becker von der Commerzbank ist es positiv, dass schlechte Nachrichten ausblieben. Für ihn ist der Kernpunkt, dass SAP den Gesamtjahresausblick bestätigte. Becker und weitere Analysten wie etwa Richard Nguyen von der Societe Generale loben vor allem die Sparte mit Mietsoftware aus dem Internet – das sogenannte Cloud-Geschäft. Hier wuchs SAP stärker als erwartet und zeigte sich zudem für die weitere Entwicklung optimistischer als bislang. Nguyen schrieb, SAPs Umsatz sei in diesem Bereich im abgelaufenen Quartal stärker gewachsen als der von Konkurrent Oracle. /men/nmu/fbr


via Cloud-Prognose angehoben: SAP-Aktie zieht trotz Gewinnrückgang an 17.07.2014 | Nachricht |

SAP: Software AG passt nicht zu uns | Aktien News | Börse Aktuell |

Kein Übernahmeinteresse

SAP: Software AG passt nicht zu uns

Es kriselt bei der Software AG. Deutschlands zweitgrößtes Softwarehaus hat jüngst wegen der mauen Geschäfte seine Jahresziele zurücknehmen müssen. An der Börse glaubt man seither, dass die Software AG reif ist für die Übernahme. Durch SAP?

Der deutsche Branchenprimus SAP hat die wieder aufgeflackerten Gerüchte über eine mögliche Übernahme der Software AG zurückgewiesen. Er sehe nicht, dass das TecDax -Unternehmen ins Portfolio passen würde, sagte SAP-Finanzchef Luka Mucic der Zeitung „Euro am Sonntag“. Der Dax-Konzern habe in Bereichen, die für ihn strategisch wichtig seien, einiges zugekauft. „Wir können uns hier weitere Übernahmen vorstellen, aber die Priorität hat dabei die Cloud“, sagte Mucic.

SAP gibt Cloud Priorität


In mein Depot

SAP wächst dank des Trends zu Cloud-Produkten kräftig, wie die jüngsten Quartalszahlen zeigten. Zwar steuert das Geschäft mit Mietsoftware aus dem Internet gerade mal sechs Prozent zum Umsatz bei, aber der Bereich holt schnell auf. Der Umsatz der Sparte schoss im zweiten Quartal um fast 40 Prozent in die Höhe. Schon in wenigen Jahren soll der Bereich Hauptstandbein werden.

Software AG

In mein Depot

Ganz anders die Software AG, ihr macht zu schaffen, dass der Markt immer mehr zu Cloud-Produkten drängt. Das Unternehmen hatte sich nur zögerlich auf diesen Trend eingestellt. Es war der Überzeugung, dass sich die standardisierten Cloud-Produkte bei den komplexen Anwendungen in Firmen nicht durchsetzen würden. Damit hat man sich verkalkuliert, vor wenigen Tagen strich die Software AG ihre Jahresprognose zusammen. Nun will die TecDax-Firma umsteuern und mehr Produkte in einer Cloud-Version anbieten als bisher. Doch Marktbeobachter zweifeln, ob sich das Unternehmen im harten Wettbewerb allein behaupten kann und halten die Software AG für einen Übernahmekandidaten. Vielleicht passt man nicht zu SAP, aber zu IBM sehr wohl.

via SAP: Software AG passt nicht zu uns | Aktien News | Börse Aktuell |

Anwendungsentwicklung mit ABAP Objects

Cover von Anwendungsentwicklung mit ABAP ObjectsEntwickeln Sie Ihre eigene Geschäftsanwendung mit ABAP! Mit diesem Programmierleitfaden meistern Sie die Herausforderung, eigenständige Anwendungen komplett losgelöst vom SAP-Standard umzusetzen – von der Konzeption der Anwendungsarchitektur bis zur Programmierung in ABAP Objects. Dabei kommen auch die neuesten Technologien, wie die Entwicklung für SAP HANA und Sidepanel im SAP NetWeaver Business Client, zum Einsatz.

Planung und Entwicklung eigenständiger Geschäftsanwendungen

Flexible Anwendungsarchitekturen mit dem SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP entwerfen

Mit zahlreichen Codebeispielen und Tipps aus der Praxis

695 Seiten, gebunden, 42 mm. Vorwort von Horst Keller. Handbuchformat 16,8 x 24 cm. Schwarzweiß gedruckt auf holzfreiem 80g-Offsetpapier. Lesefreundliche Serifenschrift (Linotype Syntax Serif 9,5 Pt.). Einspaltiges Layout.

Wenn der SAP-Standard nicht ausreicht

Thorsten Franz und Tobias Trapp helfen Ihnen, Anwendungen zu konzipieren und zu programmieren, die sich nahtlos in den SAP-Standard integrieren, flexibel erweitert werden können und robust genug sind, um in komplexen Systemlandschaften zu bestehen.

Reizen Sie die Möglichkeiten voll aus!

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Power von SAP HANA am besten einsetzen und wie Sie mit Webservices die Integrationsfähigkeit Ihrer Anwendungen erhöhen. Dank ausführlicher Informationen zu Web Dynpro ABAP, dem Floorplan Manager, SAPUI5 und der Integration mit dem SAP NetWeaver Business Client machen Ihre Anwendungen auch nach außen einen guten Eindruck.

Alle Informationen, die Sie benötigen

Die Autoren wissen genau, wo die Schwierigkeiten bei der Anwendungsentwicklung liegen und unterstützen Sie mit vielen hilfreichen Tipps und Codebeispielen aus der Praxis, Probleme von Beginn an zu vermeiden.

Aus dem Inhalt

Entwurf von Anwendungssystemen


Klassen, Interfaces und Ausnahmen



Dialogintegration mit dem

SAP NetWeaver Business Client


Techniken der Anwendungsprogrammierung

Webservices entwickeln

Entwicklung SAP-HANA-optimierter Anwendungen

Informationsquellen in der Projektplanungs- und Realisierungsphase


Practical Workflow for SAP

Cover of Practical Workflow for SAPOne resource. Your comprehensive reference: develop and maintain workflows for the SAP landscape!

All of your SAP Business Workflow needs. Reorganized and fine-tuned, the third edition of this #1 best-seller is packed with information and better than ever. Pick the sections or chapters that are most relevant to you; focus on the provided conceptual explanations, technical instructions, or both. You’ll find important topics such as configuration, administration and troubleshooting, design, and enhancement. If you know the basics, you’ll find value in the coverage provided for SAP’s changed landscape such as SAPUI5, SAP Fiori, SAP HANA, and much more.

  • Get the whole story on creating, maintaining, and customizing workflows in SAP
  • Learn about workflow for all the major SAP applications
  • Update your skills with coverage of SAP HANA, SAP Fiori, BRF+, and more
  • 3rd edition, updated and expanded


1,089 pages, hardcover, 2 in. Including code downloads, and interactive checklists for your workflow project. Reference book format 6.9 x 9 in. Printed black and white on 50# offset paper from sustainable sources. Reader-friendly serif font (Linotype Syntax 9.5 Pt.). One-column layout.

  • Bildunterschrift (optional)
  • Bildunterschrift (optional)
  • Bildunterschrift (optional)

In this book, you’ll find:

  1. Workflow Concepts

    Explore the background information you need to understand the functions of SAP Business Workflow. Understand work item delivery and agents, and learn how to activate SAP-provided workflows.

  2. Administration Concepts

    Learn how to make sure that workflows are properly executed, and how to fix things when they go wrong. From upgrading, to troubleshooting, to diagnostics, the information is all here.

  3. Workflow Development

    Know how to create a workflow from Scratch. You’ll find basic builder tasks, advanced techniques, and information on editors and ABAP techniques.

  4. Enhancements

    Get information on customizing UIs, and how to use workflows in different SAP components.

From the Contents:

  • SAP Business Workflow
  • Business processes
  • Configuration
  • Administration
  • ABAP classes and custom programs
  • Web Dynpro ABAP/Java
  • BRFplus
  • SAPUI5 and other UIs»A must-have for workflow study and design! «
Reader Review, 2nd edition

Jocelyn Dart is a long-time SAP employee who currently majors in solutions in the SAP Intelligent Business Operations Powered by HANA bundle, and minors in user experience technologies and design thinking.

Susan Keohan is a senior application developer at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. She has worked with SAP since 1995, when MIT began its implementation.

Alan Rickayzen is senior product manager in HANA SAP BPM development. He has been with SAP since 1992 and in data processing since 1988. In 1995, he joined the SAP Business Workflow group performing development work as well as consulting for various blue-chip U.S.

DJ Adams is a principal at Bluefin Solutions and has been working with SAP enterprise software since 1987, specializing in integration, and has a strong connection to the Open Source community.

Konstantin Anikeev is an independent senior SRM application developer with more than eight years of SAP experience, mainly in workflow and user interface technologies such as Web Dynpro ABAP and SAPUI5.

Paul Bakker is an independent SAP consultant who has been working with SAP software since late last century.

Rick Bakker is a freelance contractor who discovered SAP in Central Africa late last millennium. Some years later, he was introduced to SAP Business Workflow and has been a regular on the SCN Workflow forum ever since.

Manish Chaitanya is an SAP NetWeaver architect who has experience in handling multiple SAP NetWeaver implementations for global customers.

Stephen Johannes is a system analyst who currently supports a productive SAP CRM implementation for a large specialty chemical company in the United States.

Markus Kuppe is vice president and chief solution architect for SAP Master Data Governance. Since joining SAP development in 1997, he led various programs across the SAP Business Suite in topics such as reporting, user experience, or architecture—always in close collaboration with customers.

Martin Maguth is a managing director at Norikkon, LLC, in Miami, Florida. He has more than 10 years of experience in the IT industry specializing in SAP Business Workflow, SAP enterprise content management, as well as ABAP programming.

Elke Menninger joined SAP Germany in 1994 and gained experience as consultant in many projects with her main focus on SAP R/3 Production Planning and Supply Chain Management.

Justin Morgalis has been helping clients implement SAP ERP HCM Self-Services since 2007. He comes from a consulting and development background, so he understands both the technical and functional aspects of SAP ERP HCM and can communicate them clearly to any audience.

Eddie Morris is an SAP Support Architect with more than 15 years of IT experience. Starting with Dell Inc., he worked as an analyst/programmer, but the past 12 years, he has been supporting SAP Business Workflow for customers across the globe.

Amol Palekar has worked on BI programs for various Fortune 500 companies. He is currently director of Analytics and Service Delivery at TekLink International Inc.

Mike Pokraka is a freelance consultant who has been working with SAP since the 1990s. Prior to SAP, he has also worked as an Oracle DBA, and co-founded a successful data processing bureau.

Andreas Seifried is product manager for SAP Master Data Governance and has been engaged in shaping SAP’s portfolio for data management since he joined the development organization in 2004. Andreas joined SAP in 2001. As a technology consultant, he helped organizations all over the world solve their data and process integration challenges.

Sachin Sethi is an author, speaker, and agent of change for SAP SRM. He’s the founder and managing partner of TSE (The SRM Experts), which provides business consulting and systems integration services focused around the SAP SRM solution.

Atul Sudhalkar is a product manager for SAP’s Governance, Risk, and Compliance group, and works at SAP’s Palo Alto offices.

SAP Follows Its Own Advice to Cloud-based HR

July 31, 2014 | Blog | by Susan Galer

SAP Follows Its Own Advice to Cloud-based HR

When SAP acquired SuccessFactors, most people viewed it as a quantum leap forward for the company into the cloud, and rightly so.

As an SAP employee, I’ve been an active participant in this transformational journey along with our partners and customers. Last week I blogged about several companies—Kawasaki, Triumph Foods, and Owens Corning—that are using SuccessFactors for performance advantage. These are just a microcosm of the thousands of customers that have figured out how SuccessFactors can strategically change the role of human resources (HR), and in doing so, impact employee engagement for the better.

It only makes sense for SAP itself to adopt SuccessFactors for its 67,000 employees in 60 countries. In this video, Brigette McInnis Day, Executive Vice President of Human Resources at SAP, spotlights the results of SAP’s implementation of SuccessFactors. Here’s how she describes the company’s rationale for the move and manager response.

“Our business was at a critical time of change. We were on a very old version of technology from an HR perspective. Our acquisition of SuccessFactors allowed us to leap forward to all the things we knew we wanted to do. It’s really about understanding the workforce analytics for the future.”

After the initial six-week pilot, SAP executives saw results that immediately support the company’s overall “run simple” mantra. Replacing spreadsheets with real-time data, leaders have been empowered in entirely news ways, says McInnis Day.

“With SuccessFactors, I’m able to identify all my talent, I know what they want, when they’re able to move, when they’re actually able to take on a new role. I’m able to match the learning solution right with them on all of the learning maps whether on SAP Jam, Performance, Employee Profile, Talent Assessment, Succession Planning, or Compensation.”

As always, the bigger story lies beyond the technology. McInnis Day emphasizes how SuccessFactors has allowed SAP to evolve HR by shifting more processes into the company’s shared services organization. This is turning HR into a business partner providing strategic consultative support for the business.

Perhaps most important, since the implementation of SuccessFactors, overall employee satisfaction with the HR organization has increased in some countries by up to 30 percent. McInnis Day says this jump is directly correlated to the technology they’re using every day. “The only thing you’ll get out of an engaged employee is passion, productivity, and a win for SAP.”

As for advice to customers that aren’t certain where to begin the move to cloud-based HR solutions, McInnis Day says that alignment between the business and employee strategies is crucial. “Base your decisions on your business strategy and also the employee lifecycle. Match it up so it doesn’t feel artificial. The important thing is, you can start anywhere and go anywhere, and that’s what you want.”

via SAP Follows Its Own Advice to Cloud-based HR



Making B2B Commerce as Easy as Consumer Buying

August 6, 2014 | Feature Article | by Karen Master

Making B2B Commerce as Easy as Consumer Buying

Chakib Bouhdary, President of Business Networks at SAP, talks about how SAP and eBay are simplifying business commerce

As a consumer, if your refrigerator stops working, you get online, find a few suppliers, compare prices and with a couple of clicks, buy a new one and have it delivered and installed. But what do you do as a business when your assembly line shuts down because a key part failed?

For most companies, managing such unplanned, time-sensitive and mission-critical purchases – or as they are known in the industry “spot buys” – is a challenging, costly, and risky process. But a partnership between SAP and eBay promises to make this a lot easier. In this interview, Chakib Bouhdary, talks about how these two companies are joining forces to make it as simple for companies to find and buy items to run their businesses as it is for consumers to purchase books and music.

SAP News: What makes spot buys so challenging?

Chakib Bouhdary: Spot buys account for more than 40 percent of the average company’s total spend. What makes them so difficult to manage is that they require time-sensitive supplier identification, qualification, and bidding. Most companies lack the tools to facilitate this.

As a consumer, if you need a new phone, you get online and order it and in three days, it arrives on your doorstep. Or, if you’re willing to pay more, you can have it overnight. But what do you do as a business when you need an ergonomic chair for an employee who is starting tomorrow?

You can’t afford to have a category manager take this kind of spend through a strategic sourcing process, which can take anywhere from six to 30 weeks. You need a solution through which employees can make purchases now, and do it in compliance with your procurement processes and policies.

How will SAP’s partnership with eBay simplify this process?

At SAP, we operate the world’s largest business-to-business trading network. It is used by more than 1.5 million companies to transact over half a trillion USD in commerce on an annual basis. And eBay has built one of the world’s largest online marketplaces, where practically anyone can buy and sell practically anything.

In connecting our communities through Ariba Network Spot Buy, we can simplify business commerce and make it as easy for companies to find and buy the items they need to run their operations as it is for consumers to find and buy the items they need to run their lives. We can eliminate the complexity that is hindering business commerce and enable companies of all sizes to run better and fuel growth.

How will buyers benefit from Ariba Network Spot Buy?

For the first time, global procurement organizations can apply spend management rigor to non-contracted spend, eliminating maverick buying and improving processes. Individual buyers will be able to easily search for, and buy, items from the largest base of qualified sellers through their existing procurement systems. Employees will have a better process for spot buys. Lastly, procurement will gain spend control and visibility into a large category of spend that has previously been extremely difficult to manage.

What opportunities does the solution open for sellers?

Selling organizations of all sizes gain access to the world’s largest community of business buyers. The buyers have budget, are in active purchasing cycles and are open to a new channel for business. This enables the sellers to win new customers and gain additional business from existing customers.

So how does Ariba Network Spot Buy work?

The solution will display appropriate business-related content from eBay Marketplace and deliver it inside SAP’s cloud-based procurement solutions, including Ariba Procurement Content, Ariba Procure-to-Pay, and Ariba Procure-to-Order. By leveraging the new offering, procurement organizations can provide access to eBay Marketplace content inside their Ariba cloud procurement applications. The solutions apply specific business rules to ensure that purchases are made in compliance with company policies. This will allow end users to easily buy the things they need, with the controls and visibility that procurement desires.

How is Ariba Network Spot Buy different from other offerings aimed at indirect materials such as Amazon Supply or online catalogs and distributors?

Spot buying is not a shopping problem that can be overcome with catalogs for indirect materials alone. It’s a procurement challenge that requires a combination of technology, content, processes and expertise to solve. SAP – and only SAP – can deliver this through the combination of its Ariba Network, its cloud-based procurement applications and its relationship with eBay’s expansive catalogs for indirect goods.

How will it change the game for business commerce?

Despite all the money that has been invested in technology to simplify business commerce, it’s still really hard. With Ariba Network Spot Buy, we can eliminate the complexity that is hindering business and enable companies of all sizes to run better and fuel growth.

via Making B2B Commerce as Easy as Consumer Buying.

SAP Urban Matters Initiative Helps Improve Quality of Life in Latin American Cities

August 6, 2014 | Newsbyte | by SAP News

SAP Urban Matters Initiative Helps Improve Quality of Life in Latin American Cities

BUENOS AIRES — At an event today in Buenos Aires, SAP SE highlighted how the SAP Urban Matters initiative is helping local governments in Latin America improve quality of life in the region’s dynamic and fast-growing cities. The event featured discussions of how the Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (GCBA) is using solutions and internationally-refined management practices from SAP to better respond to citizens, make faster decisions and manage contractors and budgets.

With 13 million people, Greater Buenos Aires is South America’s second-largest urban area and is a global cultural and economic center. Governed as an autonomous city, the metropolitan area covers more than 5,000 square kilometers; GCBA must maintain approximately 700,000 objects: 450,000 trees, 125,000 lights, 54,000 sidewalks, 30,000 drains and 27,000 roads. In many cases, GCBA relies on contractors to address issues, often citizen-reported, such as uneven sidewalks, potholes or overgrown vegetation.

Before implementing multiple SAP solutions including SAP Mobile Platform in 2012, GCBA employees had no way to seamlessly manage this work and communicate specifications to contractors. They worked with paper records and disparate software applications and were unable to quickly route service requests to the appropriate departments.  This uneven, lag-prone management system sometimes resulted in suboptimal planning and service shortfalls.

Today, GCBA’s Environment and Public Spaces Ministry is able to better integrate information and respond quickly to citizen needs through centralized incident management, permit registration and purchase management.  Supplier relationships have been improved, as ministry workers can now better assess contractor work performance and effectively communicate feedback.  Due to improved data access and recording of project progress, the ministry can track maintenance history on specific objects and equipment, which helps with planning budgets.

“Latin America is already the world’s most urbanized region*,” said Sean O’Brien, global vice president for Urban Matters & Public Security, SAP. “The region’s rising economic influence and global profile, exemplified by the recent FIFA World Cup and upcoming Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, shows the promise and challenges of Latin America’s cities. Urban best practices and technology that SAP has developed with public sector customers worldwide have a track record of successfully addressing those challenges.”

SAP will host a similar event on August 13 in Colima, Mexico, including the Governor of the State of Colima, Mario Anguiano Moreno. The Gobierno del Estado de Colima chose SAP solutions to help it enhance government accountability in compliance with Mexico’s General Law of Governmental Accounting (LGCG). Colima is using the SAP ERP application to integrate all financial processes, including tax collection, payroll and public works.

The State of Colima is among the most socially and economically advanced in Mexico, ranking sixth out of Mexico’s 32 states on the UN’s Human Development Index and classed as highly developed.** Colima’s strong performance in such rankings is due in part to the commitment of Colima’s leadership, at both the state and municipal level, to transparent and responsive government.

For more information, visit the SAP News Center. Follow SAP on Twitter at @sapnews.

Media Contact:

Mat Small, +1 (510) 684-3552,, PDT

*Atlantic Council, February 2014

**UNDP, June 2010

via SAP Urban Matters Initiative Helps Improve Quality of Life in Latin American Cities.

EPA Ranks SAP Among Top 100 Green Power Users in the U.S.

August 7, 2014 | Newsbyte | by SAP News

EPA Ranks SAP Among Top 100 Green Power Users in the U.S.

WALLDORF — SAP SE has been recognized as one the top 100 green power users  by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In the U.S., SAP buys 86 million kilowatt-hours of renewable power annually, sufficient to meet 100 percent of the company’s electricity use. SAP is also ranked number 10 on the Top 30 Tech & Telecom list.

The EPA estimates that the annual green power purchase by SAP is equal to avoiding carbon emissions from more than 12,000 passenger vehicles or 8,000 average American homes in a year.

Earlier this year, SAP announced that its data centers and all offices run on electricity from only renewable sources. This will help eliminate carbon emissions caused by its customers’ systems by moving them into a green cloud. SAP is also adding more electric vehicles to its company car fleet. The goal is to have 20 percent electric cars by 2020 and these will be powered by renewable energy.

“SAP takes a holistic approach to sustainability and this recognition by the EPA is great validation for our environmental efforts,” said Daniel Schmid, chief sustainability officer, SAP SE. “Since taking wide-reaching measures in 2008, SAP has reduced its carbon footprint by nine percent in spite of a strong company growth. SAP is committed to preserving natural resources and helping our customers do the same.”

In addition to the spot among the top green power users in the U.S., SAP has been ranked the No. 1 software and services company in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the past seven years.

For more information, visit the SAP News Center. Follow SAP on Twitter at @sapnews.

Media Contact:

Robin Meyerhoff, +1 (650) 440-2572,, PDT

via EPA Ranks SAP Among Top 100 Green Power Users in the U.S..

Cloud Solution Waves Goodbye to Paperwork

August 7, 2014 | Feature Article | by Andreas Schmitz

Cloud Solution Waves Goodbye to Paperwork

Cab receipts, restaurant bills, train tickets. The list goes on. Business travelers need to keep and manage a vast array of paper receipts when they’re on the move. The SAP Cloud for Travel and Expense solution is here to make their lives easier.

Everyone can identify with the scenario: Taxi receipts, restaurant bills, and train tickets collected over a two-week period lie scattered across your desk. But which business trip does each ticket and receipt belong to? Where did that cab journey start and end? Who dined with you at that restaurant and why? And, the longer ago the trip took place, the harder it becomes to remember the details.

Capture receipts on your smartphone

Never fear, help is at hand! When you take a taxi cab to the train station, you simply write your departure and destination points on the fare receipt, take a picture of the document with your smartphone, and – without future ado – the information is captured and stored in SAP Cloud for Travel and Expense.

This cloud-based solution from SAP, which is integrated in ERP, not only makes it easier for employees to manage their travel and expense documents. It also accelerates the process of getting business trips approved and having upfront payments reimbursed. The information required by managers is sent straight to their smartphones or tablets so that they can process requests and approvals on the fly.

More information is also available in a German-language webinar.

via Cloud Solution Waves Goodbye to Paperwork.

SAP Announces New Online Courses on openSAP Platform for SAP Fiori and SAP HANA

August 7, 2014 | Newsbyte | by SAP News

SAP Announces New Online Courses on openSAP Platform for SAP Fiori and SAP HANA

WALLDORF — SAP SE today announced that it will release four new, free massive open online courses (MOOCs) focused on the SAP Fiori user experience and the SAP HANA platform. Following the growing popularity of the openSAP platform, SAP continues to increase the number of MOOCs offered to create greater variety and flexibility for learners worldwide.

The new courses will focus on application development and user experience (UX) and are open to professionals, students and the general public. Taught by industry leaders, the online courses will provide users with the most up-to-date knowledge needed to build competitive skill sets in the marketplace. Courses include:

SAP’s UX Strategy in a Nutshell by Sam Yen: Led by Yen, chief design officer at SAP, this course provides an introduction to SAP’s UX strategy and will explain how products like SAP Fiori and SAP Screen Personas software help renew traditional SAP software to meet customers’ expectations of great software in the workplace. The course begins August 27.

Next Steps in SAP HANA Cloud Platform: The graduate level to Introduction to SAP HANA Cloud Platform, this course offers ways to develop and manage native apps for SAP HANA and HTML5 apps, apply advanced security features and develop widgets on the SAP HANA Cloud Portal. The course begins September 3.

Introduction to SAP Fiori UX: This course introduces the fundamentals of and latest features of SAP Fiori, a new UX enabling enterprise-wide engagement across lines of business. It will review the latest features of SAP Fiori, including product installation, configuration and best practices for extensibility using SAP Rapid Deployment solutions for SAP Fiori. The course begins September 9.

ABAP Development for SAP HANA: This course will explain the important concepts in ABAP development tools for SAP HANA, including how to detect and analyze the performance of ABAP programming language and which features SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP provides for database-oriented programming. The course begins September 25.

SAP will also improve the openSAP platform by introducing enhancements for social collaboration. With an update to the discussion forum, users can subscribe to discussions and keep track of key topics of interest.

“SAP’s goal is to provide users with simple and digestible information that will enable them to make the most out of their SAP solutions,” said Dr. Bernd Welz, executive vice president and global head, Solution & Knowledge Packaging, SAP. “The openSAP platform encourages users to work with their instructors and peers to maximize the efficacy of the program. SAP’s ultimate goal is to help its customers drive tangible business outcomes through the content provided in the courses.”

Since the launch of openSAP in May 2013, more than 125,000 users have registered and course enrollments have totaled more than 320,000. A recent survey of participants revealed high satisfaction rates. In the survey, 3,000 participants provided feedback with the overwhelming majority reporting that the course content was well structured and noting that openSAP is flexible and easy to complete. Respondents also reported that the platform was easy to use and many noted the flexibility and simplified interface.

“Business must maximize the value of their IT investments by helping their workforce become as knowledgeable as possible. Individual IT professionals need to learn current, high impact topics, at a depth sufficient to be useful and they want convenience,” said Cushing Anderson, vice president IT Education and Certification research, IDC. “MOOCs offer a mechanism to deliver highly relevant content in a flexible platform that supports convenience and provides a quality learning experience.”

For more information, visit the SAP News Center. Follow SAP on Twitter at @sapnews.

Media Contacts:

Martin Gwisdalla, SAP, +49 (6227) 7-67275,, CET

Peter Mertens, Burson-Marsteller, +1 (617) 912-5418,, EDT

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Photo: Shutterstock

via SAP Announces New Online Courses on openSAP Platform for SAP Fiori and SAP HANA.

Independent Research Firm Names SAP as a Leader in Customer-Centric Global Banking Platforms

August 7, 2014 | Newsbyte | by SAP News

Independent Research Firm Names SAP as a Leader in Customer-Centric Global Banking Platforms

WALLDORF — SAP SE today announced that is has been ranked by Forrester Research Inc. as a leader in its report “The Forrester Wave™: Customer-Centric Global Banking Platforms, Q3 2014.” The report cited that the SAP for Banking solution portfolio “sees a sophisticated support of customer-focused banking platform elements such as multichannel business processes and social media.”

Forrester evaluated the eight most significant software providers across 74 criteria encompassing the strength of their current offering, how their strategy matches up with industry trends and banking needs and the weight of their market presence. According to the report, “SAP, with its deep experience in business applications, offers comprehensive banking functionality, customer-focused banking platform capabilities, business flexibility via tooling, and comes with the broadest off-the-shelf support of analytics and accounting.”

Customer-centricity is the top priority for 81 percent of large banks surveyed in a 2013 report by Bloomberg Businessweek**. Half of the banks reported that they do not have the right sophisticated capabilities to support their customer strategies.

“Banking interactions are no longer occurring through just the teller or ATM,” said Falk Rieker, global head of the Banking business unit at SAP. “It’s happening digital on social networks and on mobile apps with a whole new audience of digital natives. We’ve adapted to these trends by creating an integrated, customer-centric platform that empowers banks to understand and engage with their customers in these channels, in the way they want.”

The SAP for Banking solution portfolio streamlines core processes with a comprehensive collection of integrated end-to-end solutions covering multichannel management, transactional banking, payments, finance and risk management, customer engagement, human resources and procurement. Banks both large and small can rely on SAP for Banking to help better service their customers across all channels, reduce their cost and complexity, identify risks early on and better meet regulatory compliance.

To learn more, read the report.For more information, visit the SAP News Center. Follow SAP on Twitter at @sapnews.

Media Contact:

Birgit Dolny, +49 (6227) 7-61664,, CET

via Independent Research Firm Names SAP as a Leader in Customer-Centric Global Banking Platforms.

SAP kündigt neue Onlinekurse für SAP Fiori und SAP HANA auf der Plattform openSAP an

SAP kündigt neue Onlinekurse für SAP Fiori und SAP HANA auf der Plattform openSAP an

SAP wird vier neue, kostenlose Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) anbieten, die sich auf die Anwendungen und Benutzeroberfläche von SAP Fiori und die Plattform SAP HANA konzentrieren. Aufgrund der wachsenden Beliebtheit der Plattform openSAP baut SAP sein Angebot von MOOCs weiter aus, um Lernenden weltweit eine größere Vielfalt und mehr Flexibilität bieten zu können.

Schwerpunkt der neuen Kurse, die Fachleuten, Studierenden sowie der breiten Öffentlichkeit offenstehen, ist die Anwendungsentwicklung und Benutzerfreundlichkeit. Die Onlinekurse werden von Branchenexperten gehalten und vermitteln den Nutzern aktuelles Wissen, das sie benötigen, um ihre Qualifikation im Markt zu erweitern. Die neuen Kurse umfassen:

SAP’s UX Strategy in a Nutshell by Sam Yen: Dieser Kurs, der von Sam Yen, Chief Design Officer von SAP, geleitet wird, stellt die SAP-Strategie zur Verbesserung der Benutzerfreundlichkeit vor. Er erläutert, wie mit Produkten wie SAP Fiori und der Software SAP Screen Personas SAP-Software umgestaltet werden kann, um Kunden erstklassige Software für den Arbeitsplatz bieten zu können. Der Kurs beginnt am 27. August.

Next Steps in SAP HANA Cloud Platform: Dieser Kurs baut auf Introduction to SAP HANA Cloud Platform auf und beschreibt, wie mit der Plattform native SAP HANA-Anwendungen und HTML5-Anwendungen entwickelt und verwaltet, erweiterte Sicherheitsfunktionen verwendet und Widgets im SAP HANA Cloud Portal entwickelt werden können. Der Kurs beginnt am 3. September.

Introduction to SAP Fiori UX: Dieser Kurs behandelt die Grundlagen und neuesten Funktionen von SAP Fiori, einer neuen Benutzeroberfläche, die die unternehmensweite Interaktion zwischen verschiedenen Geschäftsbereichen ermöglicht. Der Kurs informiert über Produktinstallation, Konfiguration und Best Practices für Erweiterungen mit Hilfe der SAP Rapid Deployment Solutions für SAP Fiori. Der Kurs beginnt am 9. September.

ABAP Development for SAP HANA: Dieser Kurs erläutert wichtige Konzepte der ABAP-Entwicklung für SAP HANA. Die Teilnehmer erfahren, wie sich die Performance des eigenen ABAP-Codings ermitteln und analysieren lässt, und lernen die Funktionen kennen, die SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP für die datenbankorientierte Programmierung bietet. Der Kurs beginnt am 25. September. SAP wird auch die openSAP-Plattform durch Erweiterungen für den Informationsaustausch in sozialen Netzwerken verbessern. Mit einem Update für das Diskussionsforum können Nutzer Diskussionen abonnieren und über wichtige Themen auf dem Laufenden bleiben.

„Ziel von SAP ist es, Nutzern einfache und leicht verständliche Informationen zu bieten, die ihnen helfen, maximal von ihren SAP-Lösungen zu profitieren“, sagte Dr. Bernd Welz, Executive Vice President und globaler Leiter von Solution & Knowledge Packaging bei SAP. „Die Plattform openSAP ermutigt die Teilnehmer, mit ihren Referenten und Kollegen zusammenzuarbeiten, um die Effektivität des Programms zu maximieren. SAP möchte so den Kunden helfen, mit den Inhalten der Kurse konkrete Ergebnisse in ihrem Unternehmen zu erzielen.“

Seit dem Start von openSAP im Mai 2013 haben sich mehr als 125.000 Nutzer bei der Plattform registriert und insgesamt zu über 320.000mal zu den verschiedenen Kursen angemeldet. Eine kürzlich durchgeführte Befragung von openSAP-Teilnehmern ergab hohe Zufriedenheitswerte. Die große Mehrheit der 3.000 Nutzer, die an der Befragung teilnahmen, waren der Meinung, dass die Kursinhalte sehr gut strukturiert waren und openSAP sehr flexibel und leicht zu handhaben ist. Die Teilnehmer waren nicht nur mit den Inhalten und dem Format zufrieden, sondern lobten auch die Flexibilität und intuitive Oberfläche der Plattform.

„Unternehmen müssen maximalen Nutzen aus ihren IT-Investitionen ziehen, indem sie ihrer Belegschaft helfen, möglichst umfassende Kenntnisse zu erlangen. IT-Spezialisten müssen in der Lage sein, sich in angemessenem Umfang und so einfach wie möglich über wichtige, aktuelle Themen zu informieren“, sagte Cushing Anderson, Vice President IT Education and Certification Research, IDC. „MOOCs erlauben es, hochrelevante Inhalte in einer flexiblen Plattform bereitzustellen, die benutzerfreundlich ist und ein ausgezeichnetes Lernerlebnis gewährleistet.“


Weitere Informationen finden Sie im SAP News Center. Folgen Sie SAP auf Twitter unter @sapnews.


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Als Marktführer für Unternehmenssoftware unterstützt die SAP SE Firmen jeder Größe und Branche, ihr Geschäft profitabel zu betreiben, sich kontinuierlich anzupassen und nachhaltig zu wachsen. Vom Back Office bis zur Vorstandsetage, vom Warenlager bis ins Regal, vom Desktop bis hin zum mobilen Endgerät – SAP versetzt Menschen und Organisationen in die Lage, effizienter zusammenzuarbeiten und Geschäftsinformationen effektiver zu nutzen als die Konkurrenz. Mehr als 258.000 Kunden setzen auf SAP-Anwendungen und -Dienstleistungen, um ihre Ziele besser zu erreichen. Weitere Informationen unter

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via SAP kündigt neue Onlinekurse für SAP Fiori und SAP HANA auf der Plattform openSAP an.

Design Thinking adventure – part 1


My journey with DT began not so long ago, but I can already tell about the huge impact it had on my life, both personal and professional. I hope that through this small entry I can channel some of my passion to you, the reader.

I’m not nor I don’t feel like an authority or expert in any field of business, which,I hope will make my texts available and clear for layman and may present a new interesting perspective for those who are experts.


While still a student I was harassed by the thought and the feeling of lack of tools and methods that would allow to approach business more intuitively. A great deal of revolutionary solutions required a common sense approach and the ability to look at the reality from a little bit different perspective.

Given that the man is a source of inexhaustible needs, people with ability to see things differently will always be needed and desired.

Design thinking is a powerful tool, which enables those who see things otherwise, identify the needs and focus on specific issues, that are important and have a real impact on reality. Design thinking existed in the minds of the people for many years, but only now the steps were taken to define it.

What is Design Thinking for me ?

It is a revolutionary process, creative, fair and very engaging for all those who participate in it,in a nutshell, it consists of the following steps, the diagram is known to anyone who has heard of DT.hex_desig.jpeg

In these words, the magic is hidden.

the process of identifying the causes and true needs is facilitated.

We learn how important is this step in the moment in which the customer experiences a true revelation and realizes what is was, what he really wanted. Getting to this point gives me a great satisfaction and certainty that the client will receive what he really wants and needs.


For example, let me bring up a situation:
The customer comes to us with the request to build a bridge. It has provided a significant budget for this investment and wants us to meet a specific deadline


 After a short brief we can get the necessary information about the bridge,which methods and materials should be used in its construction.We will build the bridge on time , while not exceeding the budged, and it is higly possible that although the overall success the client will be left with premonition that this is not exactly what he wanted.

Design thinking makes us examine closely the need of the customer(receiver). We can find out what are the reasons behind the request for building a bridge, so we may find out that the whole bridge construction was completely unnecessary!

 If a customer places an order to build a bridge over the river, and his real need is to give information or transport parcels to the other side you can use completely different solutions than constructing the bridge.

Just like on the image, even if the costumer places a request for a bridge, the ship is really what he needs and that need is hidden.

(Rob Gonsalves – Realism illusions)

By asking “what for ?” questions we can aware the receivers what need they want to fulfill in placed request.

Empathy is the first and, to me, the most important step in design thinking, since it focuses on the customers perspective and not only it involves him into the designing process, but by putting yourself in his position you can predict his requirements about the item.


There are many techniques to identify the real needs of the customer , one of them is the empathy map. It is based on writing out what the receiver says and what he hears what he does and what he thinks, you can extend it by adding pain/gain aspect.

By this I would like to finish my first entry, as it is the first part of my series of entries that I planned, I would be grateful for any feedback

Best regards
Krzysztof Dziembaj