About openSAP
Keeping pace with the rapidly developing world of information technology is a need that SAP helps to fill with openSAP. openSAP is developed and provided by SAP in cooperation with the Hasso Plattner Institute.
openSAP works according to the principle of „Massive Open Online Courses“ (MOOC): The key difference between MOOCs and other types of e-learning lies in the way MOOCs demand commitment by leveraging tried and trusted classroom concepts in an online delivery format.
openSAP uses these concepts in the following ways:
openSAP courses are conducted entirely online. All the material provided can be accessed from any device that is connected to the Internet, be it a desktop, a laptop, a smartphone, or a tablet.
openSAP courses have a defined duration (usually between five and seven weeks) to which course participants need to adhere.
openSAP courses are based on video units, supporting material (slide decks, handouts), and self-tests.
Course participants need to work on weekly assignments and keep to deadlines. The weekly assignment is graded and contributes to the points required to receive a record of achievement.
Course participants can discuss the course content in a discussion forum.
openSAP courses end with a final exam.
Upon successful completion of the weekly assignments and the final exam, participants receive a record of achievement.
openSAP courses are conducted in English.
The average duration of the video units is 90 minutes per week. Combined with additional self-study and weekly assignments, the average effort required to complete an openSAP course successfully will be 4–5 hours per week. This makes it easy for course participants to combine courses with their other tasks.
The Advantages of openSAP at a Glance
You have a lively exchange with a performance-oriented community.
You discuss exciting course content with instructors and other participants.
You use teaching material on the Internet, anywhere, anytime.
You gain an interesting learning experience based on fascinating interactive tools.
You find solutions to complex problems in stimulating discussions with experts.
You document your learning progress based on sophisticated tests.
You receive a grade or participation record of achievement upon completion.
You benefit from the expertise of instructors and other field experts in achieving personal goals.
You spotlight your individual potential for colleagues and employers.
You promote your career with the latest high-quality ICT knowledge.
You build and actively use networks with like-minded experts.
via openSAP.