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Archiv für den Monat: August 2014
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Exporting HR organizational structure to a stri… | SCN
Exporting HR organizational structure to a string variable
created by Samuli Kaski on Apr 20, 2012 2:41 PM, last modified by Samuli Kaski on Apr 20, 2012 3:52 PM Version 3
In this document I give a quick’n’dirty ABAP solution for storing the HR organizational structure in a string variable.
The coding is pretty straight forward and it should be easy to change or enhance it further. In the example I’m using the IDES organizational structure.
data lt_postree_objec type table of objec.
data ls_postree_objec type objec.
data lt_postree_struc type table of struc.
data ls_postree_struc type struc.
data lv_tot_str type string.
data lv_tmp_str type string.
data lv_tmp_str2 type string.
data lv_level type i.
data lv_char60 type c length 60.
call function ‚RH_STRUC_GET‘
act_otype = ‚O‘
act_objid = ‚00000300‘ “ org. unit IDES US
act_wegid = ‚O-S-P‘
result_objec = lt_postree_objec
result_struc = lt_postree_struc.
clear lv_tot_str.
clear lv_char60.
lv_char60 = ‚Object‘.
concatenate lv_char60
‚Object ID‘
into lv_tot_str
separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab
respecting blanks.
concatenate lv_tot_str
into lv_tot_str.
loop at lt_postree_struc into ls_postree_struc.
clear ls_postree_objec.
read table lt_postree_objec into ls_postree_objec
with key otype = ls_postree_struc-otype
objid = ls_postree_struc-objid.
clear: lv_tmp_str,
if ls_postree_struc-level gt 1.
lv_level = 1.
while lv_level lt ls_postree_struc-level.
concatenate lv_tmp_str ‚ ‚ into lv_tmp_str respecting blanks.
add 1 to lv_level.
concatenate lv_tmp_str ‚`–‚ into lv_tmp_str respecting blanks.
concatenate ‚(‚ ls_postree_objec-otype ‚)‘ into lv_tmp_str2.
concatenate lv_tmp_str lv_tmp_str2 ls_postree_objec-stext
into lv_tmp_str separated by space.
concatenate ‚(‚ ls_postree_objec-otype ‚)‘ into lv_tmp_str2.
concatenate lv_tmp_str2 ls_postree_objec-stext
into lv_tmp_str separated by space.
clear lv_char60.
lv_char60 = lv_tmp_str.
concatenate lv_char60
into lv_tmp_str
separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab
respecting blanks.
concatenate lv_tot_str lv_tmp_str into lv_tot_str.
At the end of execution lv_tot_str string variable will contain the whole organizational structure.
And this is how it will look if exported to text file, at the left the view in PPOSE.
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Do you know your SE16N? | SCN
Do you know your SE16N?
Posted by Jörg Wulf in ABAP Development on Aug 8, 2014 12:40:16 PM
Probably, this does not exactly belong here, but i found no better place for it.
Several people i know(me included) like to use TA SE16N for a quick glance at table data or as a means of preselection e.g. for personnel data.
Something like a query but without the hassle of building one.
It’s really great, as long as you only need data from a single table AND all selection criteria are AND related. (Or so I thought)
One problem, I frequently ran into, is when you want to evaluate a „nested“ table. That is a table that has multiple fields in its structure, basically for the same data, representing a limited table in maintenance view.
For example infotype tables in HR are often built like that and the problem is always, that you do not know, in which field (nnnn01, nnnn02, …) to look for a certain value.
Now quite I recently figured out, that SE16N can do that and I found it worth sharing.
Let’s assume, you need to know all employee, that have a certain date type (say 18) in infotype 41, in a specific time interval, but you have no idea, in which date type column (DAR01, DAR02,…) it is to be found.
In the past, I would have run several selections, each one with a different DARxx targeted to my date type and then would have assembled the results in Excel.
This is how to do it now
Call TA Se16N with table PA0041
Fill in the first set of selection criteria (DAR01 / DAT01)
Change to Technical View On (SHIFT+F11 or right-click for context menu)
Select Multiple entry (Cntrl+F9 or right-click for context menu or More button in the top)
Youwill be rewarded with an additional, empty selection screen
Fill in your selection criteria and then press Next Entry (F5 Or Right Arrow in the bottom)
You get a new empty selection screen. Note the number shown in the top line, it will increase as you circle through your value sets.
When you’re through with typing in your values in every possible column, press F8 to get back to your starting selection.
The only hint, that there are additional select criteria, is the more button in the top, now showing the filled Icon.
The difference is in the result. After executing your selection, you will now receive all entries, that match either of your value sets. They are each linked by OR-relation.
Of course, the use of this feature is in no way limited to HR Infotype tables. It’s just the most common use for me.
Wherever you need OR-related sets of values for a SE16N Selection , this feature comes in handy.
Hope you’ll enjoy it.
About open SAP
About openSAP
Keeping pace with the rapidly developing world of information technology is a need that SAP helps to fill with openSAP. openSAP is developed and provided by SAP in cooperation with the Hasso Plattner Institute.
openSAP works according to the principle of „Massive Open Online Courses“ (MOOC): The key difference between MOOCs and other types of e-learning lies in the way MOOCs demand commitment by leveraging tried and trusted classroom concepts in an online delivery format.
openSAP uses these concepts in the following ways:
openSAP courses are conducted entirely online. All the material provided can be accessed from any device that is connected to the Internet, be it a desktop, a laptop, a smartphone, or a tablet.
openSAP courses have a defined duration (usually between five and seven weeks) to which course participants need to adhere.
openSAP courses are based on video units, supporting material (slide decks, handouts), and self-tests.
Course participants need to work on weekly assignments and keep to deadlines. The weekly assignment is graded and contributes to the points required to receive a record of achievement.
Course participants can discuss the course content in a discussion forum.
openSAP courses end with a final exam.
Upon successful completion of the weekly assignments and the final exam, participants receive a record of achievement.
openSAP courses are conducted in English.
The average duration of the video units is 90 minutes per week. Combined with additional self-study and weekly assignments, the average effort required to complete an openSAP course successfully will be 4–5 hours per week. This makes it easy for course participants to combine courses with their other tasks.
The Advantages of openSAP at a Glance
You have a lively exchange with a performance-oriented community.
You discuss exciting course content with instructors and other participants.
You use teaching material on the Internet, anywhere, anytime.
You gain an interesting learning experience based on fascinating interactive tools.
You find solutions to complex problems in stimulating discussions with experts.
You document your learning progress based on sophisticated tests.
You receive a grade or participation record of achievement upon completion.
You benefit from the expertise of instructors and other field experts in achieving personal goals.
You spotlight your individual potential for colleagues and employers.
You promote your career with the latest high-quality ICT knowledge.
You build and actively use networks with like-minded experts.
via openSAP.
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