Exporting HR organizational structure to a stri… | SCN

Exporting HR organizational structure to a string variable

created by Samuli Kaski on Apr 20, 2012 2:41 PM, last modified by Samuli Kaski on Apr 20, 2012 3:52 PM Version 3



In this document I give a quick’n’dirty ABAP solution for storing the HR organizational structure in a string variable.




The coding is pretty straight forward and it should be easy to change or enhance it further. In the example I’m using the IDES organizational structure.


data lt_postree_objec    type table of objec.

data ls_postree_objec    type objec.

data lt_postree_struc    type table of struc.

data ls_postree_struc    type struc.

data lv_tot_str          type string.

data lv_tmp_str          type string.

data lv_tmp_str2         type string.

data lv_level            type i.

data lv_char60           type c length 60.

call function ‚RH_STRUC_GET‘


act_otype    = ‚O‘

act_objid    = ‚00000300‘          “ org. unit IDES US

act_wegid    = ‚O-S-P‘


result_objec = lt_postree_objec

result_struc = lt_postree_struc.

clear lv_tot_str.

clear lv_char60.

lv_char60 = ‚Object‘.

concatenate lv_char60

‚Object ID‘


into lv_tot_str

separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab

respecting blanks.

concatenate lv_tot_str


into lv_tot_str.

loop at lt_postree_struc into ls_postree_struc.

clear ls_postree_objec.

read table lt_postree_objec into ls_postree_objec

with key otype = ls_postree_struc-otype

objid = ls_postree_struc-objid.

clear: lv_tmp_str,


if ls_postree_struc-level gt 1.

lv_level = 1.

while lv_level lt ls_postree_struc-level.

concatenate lv_tmp_str ‚   ‚ into lv_tmp_str respecting blanks.

add 1 to lv_level.


concatenate lv_tmp_str ‚`–‚ into lv_tmp_str respecting blanks.

concatenate ‚(‚ ls_postree_objec-otype ‚)‘ into lv_tmp_str2.

concatenate lv_tmp_str lv_tmp_str2 ls_postree_objec-stext

into lv_tmp_str separated by space.


concatenate ‚(‚ ls_postree_objec-otype ‚)‘ into lv_tmp_str2.

concatenate lv_tmp_str2 ls_postree_objec-stext

into lv_tmp_str separated by space.


clear lv_char60.

lv_char60 = lv_tmp_str.

concatenate lv_char60



into lv_tmp_str

separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab

respecting blanks.

concatenate lv_tot_str lv_tmp_str into lv_tot_str.



At the end of execution lv_tot_str string variable will contain the whole organizational structure.




And this is how it will look if exported to text file, at the left the view in PPOSE.

via Exporting HR organizational structure to a stri… | SCN.

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